
‘Dejan Milojevic’s Mentorship Led to the Best Years of My Career,’ Says Kevon Looney

Kevon Looney, the talented basketball player, recently shared his experiences working with Dejan Milojevic. He expressed that he had the best years of his career while learning from Milojevic.

Looney started off by discussing how he was initially introduced to Milojevic. “I met him at a time when I was looking for direction in my career,” Looney said. “He came highly recommended and I decided to take a chance.”

The decision turned out to be one of the best ones Kevon made in his professional life. Under Dejan’s guidance, not only did he fine-tune his skills but also learned valuable lessons about teamwork and dedication.

“My journey under Dejan wasn’t just about becoming a better player; it was also about understanding what it takes to be part of a successful team,” explained Kevon 🏀

Milojevic is known for pushing players beyond their comfort zones, something that Looney appreciates now more than ever. The hard work and determination instilled during those training sessions have played an integral role in shaping him into who he is today.

“Dejan never let me settle for less than my best,” says Looney fondly recalling their days together on court. His approach towards coaching combined toughness with empathy – always demanding excellence but equally supportive when things didn’t go as planned.

Despite being tough on him at times, Kevon believes this strict discipline contributed greatly towards making him resilient both on and off court.

“They were definitely some intense moments,” admits Loony reflecting back over past few years.
“But every challenge brought along an opportunity to learn something new.”

In addition to improving physical capabilities like agility or strength; mental toughness became one of key areas where significant improvement could be seen after joining forces with Milojević.

“I can confidently say that I am mentally stronger thanks to Dejan.” stated Kevon proudly acknowledging influence coach Milojevic had over his career.

He also credits Dejan for helping him develop a more strategic approach to the game. “I learned how to read the game better and make smarter decisions on court.”

While Looney is now an established player, he still looks back at those formative years with gratitude. The lessons learned under Dejan’s watchful eye continue to guide him as he navigates through challenges in professional basketball world.

In conclusion, Kevon Looney acknowledges that working with Dejan Milojevic was one of most impactful experiences in his life; shaping not just his career but also personal growth. His journey serves as testament to importance of having right mentor guiding you towards achieving success.