
Frederic Weis Accuses Joel Embiid of Disrespecting France and Those Seeking French Citizenship

Frederic Weis, a former professional basketball player from France, has recently expressed his dissatisfaction with Joel Embiid’s attitude towards France. According to Weis, the NBA star lacks respect for both the country and those who seek its citizenship.

Weis’ comments come in light of Embiid’s recent acquisition of French nationality. The Philadelphia 76ers center was granted French citizenship earlier this year despite having been born and raised in Cameroon 🏀.

Embiid moved to the United States at age 16 on a basketball scholarship and later became one of the top players in American college basketball before turning pro. His rise to stardom has not gone unnoticed back home or abroad; however, some like Weis feel that he may be taking advantage of his fame without showing due regard for others less fortunate than him.

“There are many people out there who dream about obtaining a French passport but don’t get it,” said Weis during an interview. “They go through all sorts of hardships only to have their hopes dashed.”

The former international player also pointed out how difficult it is for ordinary individuals seeking French nationality compared to celebrities such as Embiid. He believes that these disparities reflect poorly on current immigration policies which seem biased towards famous personalities over regular citizens.

“France should not just hand out passports because someone is famous,” continued Weis. “It sends a wrong message.”

While acknowledging Embiid’s talent and contribution to sports, Weiss still insists that more needs to be done by public figures like him when it comes down respecting other cultures especially ones they choose align themselves with publicly.

“It’s not enough being good at what you do”, added Weiss sternly.” You need show appreciation where credit is due”.

Despite criticisms coming his way though , Joel remains unfazed . In fact , he even took time thank everyone supported him throughout entire process becoming citizen .

“I am grateful opportunity represent my new country future competitions ,” stated proudly . “I look forward giving back community any way can.”

Embiid’s journey towards French citizenship has been anything but smooth. It involved a lot of paperwork and waiting, much like what ordinary applicants go through.

However, his status as an NBA star undoubtedly helped expedite the process – something that Weis believes is unfair to those who don’t have similar resources or connections.

Whether Embiid will take these criticisms into account remains to be seen. But for now, it seems that he is focused on continuing his successful basketball career while also embracing his new identity as a French citizen.

In conclusion, Frederic Weis’ comments about Joel Embiid reflect growing concerns over how fame and fortune can influence immigration policies. While there is no denying Embiid’s talent and impact in the world of sports, questions remain about whether he fully understands and respects the privileges associated with his newly acquired nationality.